1270~1610nm CWDM Pigtailed Components

1270~1610nm CWDM Pigtailed Components
1270~1610nm CWDM Pigtailed Components
1270~1610nm CWDM Pigtailed Components
1270~1610nm CWDM Pigtailed Components
1270~1610nm CWDM Pigtailed Components
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  • Built-in optical isolator
  • Low capacitance and low dark current
  • High stability of CWDM lasers diode
  • Low threshold current, low operating current
  • Integrated high isolation, low insertion loss

CATV Reverse Transmission
Other Analog or Digital Optical Transmission

Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameter Symbol Min. Max. Unit Test Condition
Storage Temperature Tstg -40 100 -
Operating Temperature Top -40 85 I=Iop
Laser Forward Current If - 150 mA -
LD Reverse Voltage Lvr - 2 V -
PD Reverse Voltage Pvr - 15 V -
Soldering Temp - - 260 -
Soldering Time - - 10 S -
Optical & Electrical Characteristics
Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Test Condition
Rated Power Po 1 - 3 mW Ith+20mA
Threshold Current Ith 5 - 15 mA CW
Forward Voltage Drop Vop - 1.0 1.2 V -
Cent Wavelength λc Note 2 nm Note 1
Spectrum Width(-3dB) Δλ - 0.5 1 nm CW,-3dB
Side-mode Suppression Ratio SMSR 35 - - dB -
Monitor Current Im 100 - 900 uA CW, Ith+20mA
Dark Current of Monitor Id - - 100 nA -
Optical Isolation ISO 30 40 - dB 25℃
Frequency Range F 2.5 - - GHz RI=50Ω
Cut-off Frequency Fc 6 - - GHz If=Iop
Relative intensity noise RIN - -155 -150 dB/Hz CW, If=Iop, f=4500MHz
RF Bandpass Flatness BF - ±1.5 - dB If=Iop,45MHz-4500MHz,T=25 °C

Note 1. 2.5Gb/s NRZ, pseudo-random, Pb=0.2mW, Ppeak=1.0mW

Note 2. The selected wavelength is available as follow:

Wavelength (nm) (Tl=Tset) (in vacuum) Tolerance(nm)
1271 ±2 or ±3
1291 ±2 or ±3
1311 ±2 or ±3
1331 ±2 or ±3
1351 ±2 or ±3
1371 ±2 or ±3
1391 ±2 or ±3
1411 ±2 or ±3
1431 ±2 or ±3
1451 ±2 or ±3
1471 ±2 or ±3
1491 ±2 or ±3
1511 ±2 or ±3
1531 ±2 or ±3
1551 ±2 or ±3
1571 ±2 or ±3
1591 ±2 or ±3
1611 ±2 or ±3
PIN Definition
  • Bottom View

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