Low Consistency Cleaner

Low Consistency Cleaner
Low Consistency Cleaner
Low Consistency Cleaner
Low Consistency Cleaner
Low Consistency Cleaner
Low Consistency Cleaner
Low Consistency Cleaner
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    1. The low consistency cleaner features excellent cleaning efficiency
    2. Less fiber loss
    3. Low energy consumption
    4. Wearable and long working lifetime
    5. Convenient installation, maintenance and operation
    6. Compact structure
    7. Capacity: 600-800L/Min.
    8. Input pressure: 0.20-0.35MPa.
    9. Accepted pressure: 0.05-0.15MPa.
    10. Input consistency: 0.5-1.0%.

    1. Cleaning of chemical pulp and mechanical pulp.
    2. De-inking line for CONP, AONP AND EONP.
    3. Recycled pulp line for COCC and AOCC.
    4. De-inking line for ONP and OMG.
    5. Recycled pulp line for MOW and SOP.
    6. Purification system of stock

    Model and parameter of Low Consistency Cleaner
    Model XSC-400 XSC-600 XSC-1000
    Throughput (l/min) 400 600 1000
    Inlet consistency (%) 0.4-1.2
    Inlet pressure ( mpa ) 0.2-0.3
    Outlet pressure ( mpa ) 0.06
    Pressure drop ( mpa ) 0.16
    Reject ratio (%) 10---20
    One section three stages cleaner
    Item Specification Remark
    Throughout of the 1st section (M3/h) 500-550
    Throughout of the 2nd section (M3/h) 150-180
    Throughout of the 3rd section (M3/h) 50-60 200-300M/min
    Arrangement 22-6-2
    Pulp consistency (%) 0.5-1.2
    Pulp inlet pressure ( MPa ) 0.20-0.35
    Capacity (t/d) 100-120
    Diameter of outlet (mm) 300
    Thickness of the body (mm) 3
    Dimension (mm) 5000*1500*2000
    Total weight (kg) 2000
    • Accessory –ceramic lower cone
    • Accessories –ceramic lower cone and de-sander
    • On-site use
    • On-site use
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