Gravity Cylinder Thickener

Gravity Cylinder Thickener
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1. The gravity cylinder thickener increases the pulp consistency from 0.8% to 6% for various pulp types.
2. Works steadily with easy maintenance.

The thickener is used to dehydrate, concentrate and wash low concentration paper pulp in pulp and paper making industry applications. It applies to the dehydration and concentration of wood pulp, cotton pulp and rice straw pulp. It is also suitable for filtration and concentration of other fibroid suspension liquids in nonpaper making industries.


Model and parameter
Filtering area (mm) 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Inflow consistency (%) 0.8-1.2
Outflow consistency (%) 4-6
Capacity (t/d) Rice or wheat straw pulp 5-8 10-15 15-22 20-30 25-38 30-45 35-52 40-60
Waste paper pulp 8-10 15-20 22-30 30-40 38-50 45-60 52-70 60-80
reed pulp 10-12 20-25 30-38 40-50 50-62 60-75 75-88 86-100
Wooden pulp 15-18 30-35 45-52 60-70 75-88 90-105 105-122 110-128
Motor power ( kw ) 4 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.5
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